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Optimize Pricing, Products, and Messaging.

Know what they
really want.

Advanced Market Analysis for companies who are ready for...

  • Fact-based strategies, rather than anecdotal assumptions.

  • Data-driven decision making, rather than gut-checks.

  • Statistical projections, rather than informed guessing.

Know how your customers will react before you…

Innovate Products & Services 

Woman with New Cellphone

Bring a solid understanding of your customers' needs and preferences to your strategy meeting and build a data-driven consensus around the best approach. Move forward with confidence, knowing how customers will react before you execute. 

Change Your
Pricing Strategy

Shopping in Mall

Increase revenue and profits with value-based pricing. We collect and analyze data to determine your clients' perceived value for your products & services. Set prices that are attractive to your customers, while also maximizing profits for you.

Campaign Messaging

Introducing an Idea

Before committing ad spend to your campaign, find out what images & wording are most persuasive in communicating your message. Stand out and increase conversion rates by optimizing both copy and visuals.


With over 20 years experience in market research and advanced degrees in statistics and business administration, Luminim is a marketing analytics consultancy located outside of Salt Lake City, UT. We specialize in helping businesses profitably optimize prices and innovate products by leveraging data collection and statistical modeling. We love helping our clients find the sweet spot where they can maximize both profit and the value they create for their customers. 


"The depth of experience and the insights gave us confidence to make big strategic decisions. We were able to optimize our pricing strategy, increase profits, and prioritize our product roadmap."

CEO, Tribal

Amr Shady

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