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About Luminim

Headquartered along the beautiful mountains just outside of Salt Lake City, UT, Luminim traces its roots in advanced marketing analytics back to its founders’ 12+ years working on the technical and analytical consulting teams at Sawtooth Software. This is where our passions for pricing and conjoint methodologies were let loose and able to take flight. With backgrounds in statistics, business strategy, and market research, Kenneth and Bruce’s enthusiasm for real-world applications of pricing analytics and decision modeling have only grown since then. Today we are in love with what we do and are guided by our values of excellence, innovation, and empowering our clients' strategic decisions with solid, data-driven insights.


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Bruce Bastian

Founder, CEO

Bruce earned his Masters in Business Administration from Brigham Young University where he focused on marketing analytics and entrepreneurial strategy. With nearly 15 years experience in market research, including his work as a technical consultant at Sawtooth Software, he has thrived in roles that were heavily involved in business strategy, product management, and marketing. At Luminim he focuses on strategy and business development, as well as executing conjoint & maxdiff research and analysis. In his spare time, Bruce can most often be found adventuring in the nearby mountains or spending time with his family. 

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Kenneth Fairchild

Founder, Chief Researcher & Strategist

With a Masters Degree in Statistics from Brigham Young University, Kenneth excels in all things analytical. Since his time at university, Kenneth has been an impassioned advocate of Bayesian Statistics and can happily find reasons for its application to almost any situation. With nearly two decades of analytical experience, he has spent the last 10+ years thriving in the market research space, including 8+ years on the Analytics Team at Sawtooth Software. His analytical work has also included multiple publications and conference presentations, as well as time working as a corporate researcher. At Luminim, Kenneth oversees research and heads advanced market modeling. When not working, he enjoys longboarding, ping pong, gaming, and spending time with his family. 

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